Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer Cat Antics

Here's Jo waiting patiently for Dad to come home.  He's such a sweet kitty but he may have to find a new home.  He's elderly too (15 years).  He's an indoor/outdoor cat and he wants to go outside but it's too hot and I only go over there once a day.  

Here's Millie helping me with Dad's paperwork.  Every now and again she gets the itch to come and help.  Which is ok as long as she doesn't decide she's being ignored and starts nipping at my hands.  LOL  She also likes to go behind the iMac and take a short snooze.

And here's Sam.  He won't play with his toy while I'm trying to take a picture.  Silly Sam.  The minute I set the iPhone down, he's playing with the toy.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Millie - Duchess of Decorating

It's 10 thousand degrees and we're in a drought and it's hard to create enough electricity to run all the air conditioners.  So in order to do my small part, I put up curtains - temporary curtains - in the west windows of the living room.  Millie is still deciding and hasn't given me her opinion although she's been walking around looking at them quite a bit.  I did leave some little peeking out the window space for Sam and Millie.  They are only closed from noon until dark when it gets under 100 every now and then. 

To make matters worse, the blinds in the master bathroom - it's on the west side too - are down all the time as they get more direct sunlight.  So it's hard for Millie to warm her little tummy in the afternoon - I know, I know, you'd think she'd have a sunburned belly by now - and Sam can't monitor the back yard activity late at night either.  Neither is very happy about that.

We need some rain and some clouds.

Sam's Shenanigan's

Sam was bored so he grabbed a jelly bean.  A licorice jelly bean I put down because they are so nasty.  Sam played with it for a while.  It was funny to watch him try to bite it - it kept rolling around.  It finally made its way to the floor with some gashes in it - guess he doesn't like licorice either.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fried Texas

Well, it's official.  Texas has fried.  It's still in the 100's at 9 and 10pm.  It doesn't even get below 80 at night time.  It was 111 at my house today and yesterday.  I'm tired of setting heat records.

I'm not complaining but the kitties are - loudly.  If I give in and open the patio door and survive the blast of heat, it's to watch Millie head out as if she's afraid she'll never ever be let out again and she heads straight for water (completely forgetting there are 3 water bowls in the house).  If the outdoor kitty bowl is dry - and it is unless I've just been out there watering - she sticks her head in the water bucket (and by the way, that water is HOT too).   Sam looks and takes his time before he goes slinking out all the while hoping the heat leaves before he gets his body all the way out the door.

Now early in the morning, they like to scout around and lie in the shade.  Sam comes back inside after about 10 minutes unless there is a critter that catches his attention.  Millie hides in the shade and hunts out new cool spots.  Now that we have to stop watering the grass, I'm afraid even early morning outdoor travels will have to stop because the grass will be dead and dry and hot.  

The window coverings in the master bathroom have been pulled down to keep out the heat and that irritates both cats.  Millie monitors the back yard during the afternoon while Sam prefers to guard the yard during the night.  LOL Millie loves to warm her belly in the sun.

I gave in and put up temporary curtains in the living room since the sun comes in during the heat of the day - those windows face west.  It helps keep the living room cool but it throws me off as I can't tell what time of day it is.  So I know why the kitties don't like having all the windows covered but we'll have to suffer for another month - well, at least I hope its not longer that that as I don't think any of us can take the heat that long.  

The roads are even starting to buckle from the heat!