Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas to All!

Merry Christmas from Millie

Peacefully watching Sam act silly as usual

Millie doesn't know what she's talking about.....

Merry Christmas says Sam
And Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Mom can't write.....

Mom's daddy passed away so Sam and I are keeping her company.  She sleeps a lot and we take naps with her.   I purr a lot so she sleeps.

Her sister came over and they went through pictures.  They laughed and cried.  Her sister doesn't like us to get close to her so we just took care of our mom. 

Sam is behaving for now.

Her daddy was a veteran and was in WWII.  He has shrapnel in his back still.  Mom named the ugly gargoyle in the back yard after him - Jim Bob. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Black Friday Triathilon

We three did the Black Friday Triathilon the day after Thanksgiving.

Mom didn't have to work so she said we could race all day.  We ate, napped and lounged all day long.  Mom said pj's were optional for us since she wanted to wear her jeans.

Sam and I tied for first place because we practice so much.  Mom even let us watch tv all day long!  Well, we napped through most of it but we could have watched.

Mom won't let Sam help her eat her In-n-Out lunch!
Mom came in last because she doesn't practice at all.  Well, she likes to eat though but she doesn't know how to nap all day or just lounge around and do nothing.  She said something about that reminded her of after her surgery a few years ago and she didn't want to be stuck in a chair for so long again.  Silly mom.

Oh well,